
Sunline® Alaska Fish Oil

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Sunline® Alaska Fish Oil


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Kickstart Your Metabolism with Enzymes

Posted by Chen Yan Lee on

Kickstart Your Metabolism with Enzymes

Enzymes are the widgets of our digestive dissasembly line that break down food into smaller forms for the body's absorption. Ideal for people who experience indigestion after a heavy and oily meal, KonWeiPo® Fruit & Vegetable Enzyme Powder Drink comes in a convenient sachet, packed with natural enzymes derived from fresh fruits and vegetables.  KonWeiPo® Fruit & Vegetable Enzyme Powder Drink    綜合果蔬酵素粉固體飲料 KonWeiPo® Fruit & Vegetable Enzyme Drink is created from the fermentation of the freshest fruits and vegetables. The fermentation process produces enzymes that are beneficial for metabolism and digestion.KonWeiPo® 酵素是由多種新鮮水果蔬菜進行深層發酵,提取的一種含生物活性的成分,也被曾為「酶」。  Benefits 功效 Improves metabolism and detoxifies the body...

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Probiotics: The Protector of Digestive Health

Posted by Chen Yan Lee on

Probiotics: The Protector of Digestive Health

Earlier this month Tai Sun Hong (Asia) had the pleasure of introducing an addition to their ever expanding compendium of supplements; KonWeiPo Probiotics Powder Drink.   KonWeiPo® Probiotics Powder Drink     益生菌固体饮料 KonWeiPo® Probiotics Powder drink is infused with active friendly bacteria that help maintains a healthy balance of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract, supports immunity and a healthy digestive system. KonWeiPo® 益生菌固體飲料含有高活性有益生菌,有效維持腸道菌種的平衡,保持腸道健康及正常免疫功能。  Benefits 功效 Helps maintains balance & amount of good bacteria in the digestive tract Supports intestinal motility & absorption of nutrients Supports immunity of the digestive tract 改善大腸內衛生態的平衡,增加體內的有益菌 維持消化系統健康,促進營養吸收 活化腸道,維持腸道蠕動功能 維持正常免疫系統 Recommended For 适用人士 People with difficulty...

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