太平洋鮫鯊烯 (Pacific Squalene) 100's
產品編號: F5161
成份: 鯊魚肝油,明膠,甘油,純淨水
規格: 850mg/粒 X 100粒
鮫鯊烯能向人體供應大量氧氣,補充精力,使人體恢復活力。改善長期疲勞,生活壓力大,經常性體力透支。鮫鯊烯能活化細胞、促進細胞再造,能促進人體新陳代謝,加快機能組織修復。鮫鯊烯有特強的滲透力,以及人體肌膚的親和性,很容易被皮膚吸收。它能夠供給細胞氧份,加強血液循環,增強皮膚的再生能力,令皮膚光滑滋潤,肌膚雪白無瑕,保持肌膚的滋潤和彈性,改善皮膚和頭髮的外觀,保持皮膚柔軟。鮫鯊烯有助於關節的健康,讓關節靈活。鮫鯊烯增強人體抵抗能力,有益於肝臟健康。鮫鯊烯具有抗氧化功效,有效保護皮膚脂質細胞不受自由基的傷害。Firstwell鮫鯊烯以純天然配方提煉而成,鮫鯊烯含量特高,無人工添加劑,安全可靠。特有Rapid ActionTM 軟膠囊技術,服用快捷方便,能迅速被人體所吸收,功效顯著。
Product Code: F5161
Ingredients: Shark Liver Oil, Gelatin, Glycerol, Purified Water
Specification: 850mg/Softgel x 100Softgels
Product Description
Firstwell® Squalene Plus is shark liver oil that works as a powerful oxygen booster to facilitates oxygen delivery throughout the body. It increases oxygen levels and distributes it into the most remotes cells, improving oxygen saturation and boosting our energy levels and vitality.
Firstwell® Squalene Plus is a potent miracle remedy that sustains the sharks’ survival in harsh deep sea environments with low oxygen and high pressure.
Squalene contains active ingredients and antioxidants that boost our immunity and protect our bodies against harmful free radicals. A fantastic supplement that improves endurance, strength and joint health.
Firstwell® Squalene Plus features Rapid-Release Softgel Technology: sealed within an easily ingestible and absorbable form for maximum goodness.
Not all Squalene Plus are created equal. Firstwell® Squalene Plus is the most bio available form of shark liver oil that is readily absorbed.
Recommended Serving
Take two Softgels with meal as a dietary supplement, or as directed by your physician.
Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Keep out of children’s reach.