蝦青素 (Natural Astaxanthin) 100's
產品編號: F5181
成份: 蝦青素,乳糖,山梨醇,大豆蛋白分離物,麥芽糖糊精,玉米澱粉,硬脂酸鎂
規格: 1000mg/片 X 100片
蝦青素Astaxanthin(又稱蝦紅素)是一種高效抗氧化的類胡蘿蔔素,同時具備脂溶性及水溶性抗氧化能力。蝦青素其抗氧化力是胡蘿蔔素的10倍、Q10的150倍、維他命E的550倍。蝦青素能直接帶給腦部與神經系統抗氧化的益處,促進心血管健康,增強免疫能力,紓緩肌肉疲勞。研究發現蝦青素具有美白肌膚的功效,避免皮膚受到紫外線的侵害及促進皮膚健康,因此被冠為「體內的陽傘」。蝦青素同時對眼部健康有益,可幫助促進眼睛血液循環、改善視力。Firstwell蝦青素 Astaxanthin是由優質野生甲殼類動物中提煉,完全純度高並且無人工添加,天然有益,可幫助延年益壽,是繁忙都市人的最佳保健食品。
Product Code: F5181
Ingredients: Astaxanthin, Lactose, Sorbitol, Soy Protein Isolate, Maltodextrin, Corn Starch, Magnesium Stearate
Specification: 1000mg/Tablet x 100Tablets
Product Description
Astaxanthin, dubbed the “king of the carotenoids”, is an antioxidant supplement that protects the skin from free radicals, provides sunscreen protection and helps fight the signs of aging, keeping skin smooth, moist and elastic.
Astaxanthin provides good lubrication and support for joint and skeletal health. It promotes recovery of muscles, heightens endurance, enhances strength and improves energy levels.
Firstwell® Natural Astaxanthin helps relieve eye strain and fatigue, thereby supporting fresh and clear vision.
Not all Astacanthin are created equal, Firstwell® Astaxanthin is the most bio available form of natural Crustacean.
Firstwell® Astaxanthin is freshly harvested from the natural Crustacean. Our unique ultra pressurised extraction process ensures that only the highest quality Astaxanthin is delivered in its most natural state.
Recommended Serving
Take two Tablets with meal as a dietary supplement, or as directed by your physician.
Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Keep out of children’s reach.