豐滿秀 (Maximizer) 100's
產品編號: NB041
成份: 葛根,山藥,阿膠,大豆油,蜂蠟,大豆磷脂,明膠,甘油,純化水,色素 (120, 133, 171)
規格: 500mg/粒 X 100粒
擁有豐滿的胸部,打造迷人的身體曲線是每個女性的夢想。豐滿秀膠囊能維持彈力美胸,增進豐潤飽滿,促進曲線,窈窕體態。它能打造健康完美體形,適合想擁有性感身材的女性。豐滿秀膠囊含有全天然的豐滿素和健胸植物萃取,如木瓜黃酮,大豆甙元,胡蘿蔔甙。青木瓜裡內含木瓜酵素, 有益身材發育。它的效果顯著,適合想擁有性感身材的女性服用。
Product Code: NB041
Ingredients: Radix Puerariae, Dioscorea Opposita, Donkey-Hide Gelatin, Soybean Oil, Beeswax, Soy Lecithin, Gelatin, Glycerol, Purified Water, Colour (120, 133, 171)
Specification: 500mg/softgel x 100 Softgels
Product Description
Maximizer is a figure improvement formula that can helps female achieve firm and voluptuous assets. It contains a myriad of nutrients that are specifically designed for growth and development. Only natural herbal ingredients that are proven to be effective for your figure improvement are carefully selected. These herbal extracts include Papaya, Blessed Thistle, Fennel Seed, and Lily.
This potent herbal formula contains ingredients that are long trusted to be effective for asset enhancement. It will rapidly supply the body with suitable nutrients to achieve growth and development rapidly. Results are clearly visible within a short time with regular use. With Voluptuous Maximizer, You can now achieve the sexy figure you always desired!
Recommended Serving
Take two softgels with meal as a dietary supplement, or as directed by your physician.
Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Keep out of children’s reach.