鈣加鎂 (Calcium & Magnesium) 100's
產品編號: NB061
成份: 成份:成份:碳酸鈣, 檸檬酸鈣,碳酸鎂,蔗糖,硬脂酸鎂
规格: 1200mg/粒 X 100粒
Product Code: NB061
Ingredients: Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Citrate, Magnesium Carbonate
Cane Sugar, Magnesium Stearate
Specification: 1200mg/tablet x 100tablets
Product Description
Calcium and Magnesium are involved in a multitude of enzymatic and metabolic reactions in the body that produce energy. They are essential for bone and teeth health and the maintenance of normal muscle function. Calcium plays a key role in the communication between nerves while magnesium aids in the normal function of the nervous system. Magnesium is also important to support the absorption of calcium by the body. Adequate intake of magnesium and calcium is necessary to maintain normal body functions for overall wellbeing and health. However unbalanced diets create nutritional imbalances resulting in inadequate intake of minerals. NuoWeiKon Calcium & Magnesium tablets is specially formulated to supplement mineral inbalances and support bone, teeth and muscle health.
Recommended Serving
Take two tablets daily with meal as a dietary supplement, or as directed by your physician.
Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Keep out of children’s reach.