苦瓜精 (Bitter Melon) 100's
產品編號: F5321
成份: 苦瓜提取物,明膠,甘油,純淨水
規格: 500mg/粒 X 100粒
苦瓜精適合關注血糖, 血壓, 血脂/膽固醇的人士服用。苦瓜精膠囊是一種全天然的苦瓜提取物的健康食品,有益於心血管及皮膚和免疫系統的健康。苦瓜精能促進新陳代謝及滋潤皮膚,使皮膚緊至光滑。苦瓜精具有超強抗氧能力,能防止皺紋,淡化色斑,降低人體黑色素。它促進血液循環,調節人體免疫力,消暑解熱,生津解渴。苦瓜精的天然有效成份,容易被人體吸收,迅速補充身體所需要的營養。此產品是一種天然的保健食品。
Product Code: F5321
Ingredients: Bitter Melon Extract, Gelatin, Glycerol, Purified Water
Specification: 500mg/Softgel x 100Softgels
Product Description
Firstwell® Bitter Melon Extract is a long-trusted nutraceutical due to its numerous health benefits.Firstwell® Bitter Melon Extract is a refreshing detoxification health booster that improves general wellbeing and immunity.Firstwell® Bitter Melon Extract is freshly harvested from the freshest bitter melons. Our unique ultra-pressurised extraction process ensures that only the best and purest Bitter Melon extract is obtained.Firstwell® Bitter Melon Extract is sealed within an easily ingestible and absorbable form for maximum goodness.
Recommended Serving
Take two Softgels with meal as a dietary supplement, or as directed by your physician.
Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Keep out of children’s reach.