藍莓素 (Bilberry Essence) 100's
產品編號: F5111
成份: 藍莓提取物,接骨木提取物,明膠,甘油,純淨水
規格: 750mg/粒 X 100粒
藍莓素有改善視力,保護眼睛免受氧化及紫外線(UV)傷害之功效。它促進眼睛內的血液循環,適合近視,遠視,散光,老花,視力差的人士服用。藍莓特別適合長期面對電腦的人士。第二次世界大戰時,英國皇家飛行員,會食用藍莓以增強視力。藍莓能益智補腦,增強記憶力。它提升免疫力,加強體質。藍莓素是一種性能優異的抗氧化劑,可以中和不良因子,令眼睛不會因氧化而機能衰退,影響視力。Firstwell藍莓素含超高花青素精華,能活化視網膜、促進淚水分泌、減退紅筋。Firstwell藍莓素以純天然草本植物提煉而成,藍莓素含量特高,而且絕無加入人工添加劑,安全可靠。特有Rapid ActionTM 軟膠囊技術,服用快捷方便,能迅速被人體所吸收,功效顯著。所以Firstwell藍莓素是新一代的「護眼明星」!
Product Code: F5111
Ingredients: Bilberry Extract, Elderberry Extract, Gelatin, Glycerol, Purified Water
Specification: 750mg/Softgel x 100Softgels
Product Description
Firstwell® Bilberry Plus ensures healthy and sharp eyes. It contains essential components, such as flavonoids, anthocyanosides and tannins, which maintain the visual clarity and aid healthy growth & development of our eyes.
Firstwell® Bilberry Plus promotes health blood circulation within our eyes, enabling rapid replenishment of vital oxygen within ocular cellular structure, thereby improving recovery and reducing visual fatigue.
Firstwell® Bilberry Plus is powerful antioxidant that protect our eyes from harmful free redicals and ultraviolet damage from the sun.
As our body is unable to self synthesise anthocyanosides and often suffers from anthocyanoside deficiency, it is important to have anthocyanosides supplements to ensure optimum visual health.
Firstwell® Bilberry Plus is an active flavonoid derived from concentrated wild bilberries flower, formulated with an exclusive, patented unique pressurised extraction purifying process which guarantees supreme and consistent quality.
Not all Bilberry are created equal. Firstwell® Bilberry Plus is the most bio available form of anthocyanosides, flacvonoids and tannins that is readily absorbed for maximum goodness to your health.
Recommended Serving
Take two Softgels with meal as a dietary supplement, or as directed by your physician.
Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Keep out of children’s reach.