鼻敏輕 (Nasal Clear) 100's
產品編號: KB234
成份: 蜂膠, 明膠, 甘油, 純化水
規格: 500mg/粒 X 100粒
鼻敏輕內含巴西蜂膠精華,能增強體質,提高人體免疫能力。蜂膠能強化呼吸道,舒緩鼻子不適,減少皮膚因外在刺激下產生的不良反應。它含有多種黃酮醇、氨基酸和養份,有益於肺部的健康。蜂膠能更新肌膚,滋潤皮膚,使皮膚緊緻光滑,達到美膚的效果。蜂膠是蜜蜂保護蜂巢,抵抗不良微生物的天然物質。由蜜蜂採集的樹脂和花粉、花蜜、蜂臘等混合,經蜜蜂反覆加工而成。 成份天然,有益於身心的健康。此產品是一種天然保健產品。
Product Code: KB234
Ingredients: Bee Propolis, Gelatin, Glycerol, Purified Water
Specification: 500mg/softgel x 100softgels
Product Description
Bee Propolis is long trusted as a nutraceutical due to its numerous health benefits. Bee Propolis is sealant used by bees due to its protective properties. Bee Propolis is a powerful anti-oxidant that improves immunity. It can help to reduce adverse nose and skin reactions due to sensitivity. In addition, Bee Propolis greatly improves skin regeneration and gastric health. Furthermore, it is beneficial for cardiovascular health and may assist in stabilizing blood lipid and cholesterol.
Bee Propolis is freshly harvested by the finest honey bees. Our unique ultra pressurised extraction process ensures that only the best and purest Bee Propolis is obtained. Meticulous care is taken to ensure that only the highest quality Bee Propolis is delivered in its most natural state. Bee Propolis is sealed within an easily ingestible and absorbable form for maximum goodness.
Recommended Serving
Take two softgels with meal as a dietary supplement, or as directed by your physician.
Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Keep out of children’s reach.