健腦素DHA (DHA Essence) 100's
產品編號: F5291
成份: 魚油,明膠,甘油,純淨水
規格: 500mg/粒 X 100粒
健腦素能促進腦部的血液循環,增強腦力,智力,記憶力。當人們因工作繁忙,用腦過度的時候,腦部的含氧量開始減少,因而導致疲倦、眩暈、頭痛、集中力, 所以補充DHA的任務變得十分的重要。健腦素不單能恢復人體精力、耐力、活力,更能增強人體的免疫能力,消除疲勞困倦。DHA能維持心臟健康。此產品適合關注血糖, 血壓, 血脂/膽固醇的人士服用。健腦素能促進新陳代謝,血液循環。健腦素能迅速補充身體所需要的營養。此產品是一種 天然的保健食品。
Product Code: F5291
Ingredients: Fish Oil, Gelatin, Glycerol, Purified Water
Specification: 500mg/Softgel x 100 Softgels
Product Description
Firstwell® DHA is long-trusted as a nutraceutical due to its numerous health benefits.
Firstwell® DHA is an Omega-3 acid that is beneficial for the brain and eye function as it improves memory, mental sharpness, and learning ability.
Firstwell® DHA is also beneficial for cardiovascular health. This product is intended for people concerned about blood sugar and blood lipids/cholesterol.
Firstwell® DHA is harvested from the finest fish oil. Our unique ultra-pressurised extraction process ensures that only the best and purest DHA is obtained.
Firstwell® DHA is delivered in its most natural state. It is sealed within an easily ingestible and absorbable form for maximum goodness.
Recommended Serving
Take two softgels with meal as a dietary supplement, or as directed by your physician.
Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Keep out of children’s reach.