月見草油 (Evening Primrose)100's

月見草油 (Evening Primrose)100's


  • HK$261.00
  • Save HK$29

產品編號: NB037

成份: 月見草油,大豆油,明膠,甘油,純化水

规格: 500mg/粒 X 100粒

月見草富含的亞麻酸 (Gamma-linolenic Acid) 是一種多元不飽和脂肪酸。亞麻酸是人體不能自行製造的,必須經由食物攝取。此產品經高科技處理,其配方容易被婦女吸收,能迅速補充婦女身體所需要的營養素。亞麻酸有助維持婦女健康,使身體功能正常化,可有助輕微舒緩婦女週期性的不適。月見草也有助皮膚的健康,幫助滋潤皮膚,美化肌膚。月見草也能維持關節的健康及靈活。此產品供關注血壓,血糖,血脂/膽固醇的人士服用。       



Product Code: NB037

Ingredients:Evening Primrose Oil, Soybean Oil, Gelatin, Glycerol, Purified Water 

Specification: 500mg/Softgel x 100Softgels

Product Description
Evening Primrose Oil is long trusted as a nutraceutical due to its numerous health benefits. Evening Primrose Oil contains high concentrations of a fatty acid known as Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is beneficial for general female health and may assist in managing mild discomforts associated with menstrual symptoms. In addition, Evening Primrose Oil supports skin and joint health. GLA hydrates and softens the skin, making it feel and supple and rejuvenated. 
Evening Primrose Oil is freshly harvested from the finest evening primroses. Our unique ultra pressurised extraction process ensures that only the best and purest Evening Primrose Oil is obtained. Meticulous care is taken to ensure that only the highest quality Evening Primrose Oil is delivered in its most natural state. Evening Primrose Oil is sealed within an easily ingestible and absorbable form for maximum goodness.

Recommended Serving

Take two softgels with meal as a dietary supplement, or as directed by your physician.

Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Keep out of children’s reach.